Chabad Chayil is more than an address where a Jew can get help, pray, or have a Jewish experience. It’s a home where our loving family of thousands can immediately find their place. A strong community doesn’t only benefit those in need but it elevates us all. This year, a year of Hakhel, is a time for gathering together and strengthening our communal bonds. That’s precisely what you are doing for Am Yisroel when you say YES to Ignite and partner with Chabad Chayil.
When you Say YES to Ignite – you are creating a warm home for every type of Jew.
When you Say YES to Ignite – you are saying YES to children who don’t have the opportunity to attend Jewish schools to still get a Jewish Education.
When you Say YES to Ignite – you are saying YES to parents being able to work while their children are properly cared for.
When you Say YES to Ignite – you are saying YES to kids having a fun time in camp.
When you Say YES to Ignite – you are saying YES to teens learning about their heritage in a fun and exciting way.
When you Say YES to Ignite – you are caring for the entire community and we appreciate it.
When you Say YES to Ignite – you are saying YES to the many people reaching out to Chabad for material & spiritual support during difficult financial times.
When you Say YES to Ignite – you are saying YES to a warm inclusive home for all to take part of our rich heritage regardless of background.
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