Category: News

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Temple’s new president: ‘The challenges of the moment are real’

Temple’s new president: ‘The challenges of the moment are real’

Caroline Miller started her two-year term as leader of Temple Judea in Coral Gables on July 1. (Lewis Feldman/Fine Arts Photographers) Caroline Miller feels regarded to fill in as the new leader of Temple Judea in Coral Gables, even amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. “The difficulties existing apart from everything else are genuine,” said Miller, whose...

2020 News Update LEC with Sara Basya Korf

2020 News Update LEC with Sara Basya Korf

THEY SAID IT COULD NOT BE DONE, WELL, L.E.C. DID IT Due to COVID-19, we had to go virtual, and kid are we flourishing. It’s the nearest we can get to being back in school, genuinely. Administrator, IT, (for those pondering, they are the ones who keep our online school running) and Staff, prepared promptly...