
Coping With the Tragedy in Meron

Coping With the Tragedy in Meron

The Jewish community is reeling following last night’s horrific tragedy in Meron. We are heartbroken and in shock. We mourn the loss of life and pray for all the injured. Our thoughts are with all those impacted by this devastating news. To help children and families cope during this difficult time, Project Chai, the crisis...

Petira of Rabbi Refael Dovid Lehrfield

Petira of Rabbi Refael Dovid Lehrfield

Rebbitzen Lehrfield can be reached at 305.653.1931. Sharing memories of Rabbi Lehrfield thoughts pictures should be emailed to and personal message to Rebbitzen Lehrfield can be emailed to Rabbis Moshe, Yaakov, Aharon and Binyamin will be sitting Shiva with Elly at Elly’s home until 8:00 pm on Wednesday in 6 רמות: דוד באזוב...

Ten Commandments List

Ten Commandments List

Add your synagogue or private Minyan to the list of venues that will host readings of the Ten Commandments this Shavuot. Please include all safety procedures, registration requirements, Prayer times or other guidelines in the note section. Fill out his form by Wed, May 12 at noon in order to get listed.  The list will...

Wiesenthal Centre Shocked at Justice Denied in the Sarah Halimi Murder Case: “A Devastating Blow!”

Wiesenthal Centre Shocked at Justice Denied in the Sarah Halimi Murder Case: “A Devastating Blow!”

April 14, 2021 “Tonight the murderer will be feted as a hero and frighteningly encourage followers to action… Snort drugs to kill a Jew!” Paris —The Simon Wiesenthal Centre is profoundly distressed by France’s Supreme Court’s final say concerning the legality of the Paris Appeals Court decision, denying the criminal responsibility of the murderer of...

Steven Spielberg launches foundation to fund Jewish-themed documentaries

Steven Spielberg launches foundation to fund Jewish-themed documentaries

Steven Spielberg has launched a film foundation called Jewish Story Partners to fund documentaries that “tell stories about a diverse spectrum of Jewish experiences, histories, and cultures.” It’s funded by the Righteous Persons Foundation, which Spielberg and his actress wife Kate Capshaw founded after Spielberg’s experience making “Schindler’s List” in 1993. Two Jewish philanthropies —...

Student responsible for on-campus anti-Semitic QR codes speaks out at UNF DDI event

Student responsible for on-campus anti-Semitic QR codes speaks out at UNF DDI event

This past Wednesday, UNF’S Interfaith Center hosted a “Coffee and Conversation” following the anti-Semitic incident that occurred on Passover weekend. The event was a zoom discussion that welcomed anyone who wanted to share their stories, experiences, and concerns about how anti-Semitic incidents have been handled. Students and faculty were welcomed to discuss how the school’s...