TEACH Florida Announces Step Up Updates for 2023-2024 School Year

TEACH Florida Announces Step Up Updates for 2023-2024 School Year

Attention parents of Jewish Florida students: Open enrollment for the 2023-2024 school year has begun for families seeking to renew their applications for FES-UA Unique Abilities and FTC/FES-EO Private School Scholarships.

Step Up has introduced the EMA portal to streamline the renewal process. Due to high traffic on the site, accessing the portal may be challenging during peak hours. To avoid delays, parents are advised to access the portal during early morning or late evening hours using Chrome rather than Safari.

Renewal families must create a new profile on the EMA portal, then merge their students from the old portal using the “Find Student” tab and previous login information. Attached FES-UA and FTC/FES-EO video guides provide step-by-step instructions for navigating the process.

In case of difficulties locating renewal students, parents should cease the application process and promptly contact Step Up.

Parents should only use the “Add Student” tab for new applicants to ensure existing students retain their renewal processing priority.

Renewal families on the FTC/FES-EO Private School Scholarship will be asked to provide their gross income without supporting documentation. However, this request should not be a concern, as it will not affect funding eligibility.

To verify scholarship awards, parents can navigate to the “My Students” section, click “View,” and scroll down to find the “Award ID.”

TEACH Florida’s webpage offers a live chat, FAQs, and updated scholarship information to assist parents during open enrollment. Furthermore, Instagram Live sessions and in-person application events will be hosted to address any questions or concerns. Be on the lookout for upcoming announcements regarding scholarship events.