Rebbetzin Chana Rochel Stern, 45, OBM

Rebbetzin Chana Rochel Stern, 45, OBM

The Miami Beach Jewish community was plunged into shock and sadness Motzei Shabbos as news broke that Mrs. Chana Rochel Stern (nee Pruzansky) suddenly passed away in Lakewood over Shabbos from a massive heart attack. She was just 45.

Mrs. Stern a”h leaves behind 5 children, and her beloved husband Rabbi Yekusiel Stern, who is director of Miami Beach Community Kollel and secretary for the Beis Din of South Florida

Mrs. Stern was a beloved teacher of Jewish History and Parsha at Bais Yaakov in Miami.

The funeral is scheduled to take place at the 7th Street Chapel in Lakewood at 4:30 pm, with burial in Israel.

Our deepest sympathies are with the family at this time of their loss.

A fundraiser has been launched to assist her husband and children in the wake of this terrible tragedy. Please help with whatever you can at

The Funeral is scheduled for Sunday at 4:30pm. For a broadcast of the funeral click here.

The Stern’s will be coming home Wednesday afternoon & will be sitting Shiva at their home 4345 Post Ave.


Wednesday 8:00 pm, Thursday 7:40 pm

Thursday, Friday 8:00 AM

המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שאר אבלי ציון וירושלים

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