HB1271 Amendment Passes Unanimously!

Home News HB1271 Amendment Passes Unanimously!
HB1271 Amendment Passes Unanimously!

We have good news to share today.

A few months ago, Representative Randy Fine announced that one of his priorities for the upcoming legislative session was to improve and upgrade the Florida Medicaid Waiver program.

Background: individuals with certain disabilities often require long-term services and support (such as home nurses and aides, medical equipment, therapy, respite) which can cause a family to incur significant costs. If a family qualifies for Medicaid, the program covers these expenses. However, for those who do not qualify, the financial burden can be overwhelming. This is where the Medicaid Waiver steps in, allowing individuals with disabilities to bypass financial requirements and qualify for Medicaid.

Since the launch of our Yahalom division, we have witnessed the vital significance of this program. For families currently enrolled, it serves as a lifeline. Unfortunately, there are over 20,000 individuals currently on the waitlist statewide, often waiting years to get on.

Upon learning that Representative Fine allocated an additional $38 million in state funding to expedite enrollment for individuals in categories 1 through 5, we saw an opportunity to advocate for Florida families waiting to join the program.

In a meeting with Representative Fine, we highlighted the unique challenges faced by families with multiple children with special needs. We requested that these families be considered a priority, even if they do not fall into category 1 through 5. Rep. Fine, moved by our shared stories, pledged to explore possibilities

True to his word, two weeks later, Rep. Fine sent us an advance copy of an amendment that he planned to introduce, incorporating our proposal into his bill! This amendment would add more funding on top of the initial $38 million, prioritizing individuals in category 6 too, as long as they have a sibling in category 1 through 6. This change is projected to assist an additional 315 families statewide falling into this category

Just a few days ago, on Thursday, February 22nd, the amendment was adopted in the House Health & Human Services Committee and the bill was passed out of committee unanimously! 

We thank Rep. Fine and Rep. James Buchanan for their leadership on the bill!

Our work is not done yet, as the bill must still be approved by the full House, and we need to ensure that the Senate bill embraces this change too. Furthermore, we can’t and won’t stop advocating until the waitlist is completely cleared.

Nevertheless, this marks a tremendous victory and a significant accomplishment. B’ezras Hashem, we daven that our advocacy efforts continue to be successful and bring relief to more Florida families.