Category: News

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Teach Florida Election Endorsements

Teach Florida Election Endorsements

Early Voting in Dade County Begins Monday, August 5Click here locations and schedule. Locations are just a few minutes from our neighborhoods and there is no wait. If you have an Absentee Ballot please complete, sign and mail it immediately. You may also drop off your signed Absentee Ballots at those locations or vote...

LEC Goes in Contract for $15 Million Campus Expansion

LEC Goes in Contract for $15 Million Campus Expansion

LEC is proud to announce that we have gone into contract for the purchase of the four buildings adjacent to the Beit Apel Girls School! With over 2,300 students and 400 staff members enrolled for the upcoming school year, ka”h, our school has experienced tremendous growth, and our classrooms are, Boruch Hashem, filled to capacity!...

Monique Barley-Mayo for State Rep

Monique Barley-Mayo for State Rep

By Monique Barley-Mayo Why the Jewish Community in District 107 Should Vote for Monique Barley-Mayo for State Representative The Jewish community in District 107 of Miami plays a vital role in shaping our society, and it is crucial to have a representative who understands and represents their values and concerns effectively. As a dedicated candidate...

Tax-free holidays bring big savings

Tax-free holidays bring big savings

A series of sales tax holidays over the coming months will allow Florida residents to save money on essential items and summer activities. This year’s Disaster Preparedness sales tax holidays will take place June 1-14 and Aug. 24-Sept. 6. Get your hurricane kit ready by purchasing essential items, tax-free, such as batteries, flashlights, portable generators...

Key Messages from Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Address to Congress

Key Messages from Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Address to Congress

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke eloquently before a joint session of Congress on 24 July 2024 (18 Tammuz 5784). Putting aside political considerations, the bold underlined statements are some of key lessons learned that may have resonated with people. The bullet points are some of the important quotes from the Prime Minister’s speech. DSS/25 July...

National Jewish Retreat Bringing Hundreds to Miami

National Jewish Retreat Bringing Hundreds to Miami

by Rabbi Moishe Kievman Hundreds of curious Jews will be streaming into Miami, Florida, for the eighteenth National Jewish Retreat, which will run at Miami’s Doral Hotel from August 14 to August 18. Seventy speakers will deliver one hundred and fifty talks on intriguing Jewish topics over five days. This is a unique opportunity for...

University of Florida dean suspends anti-Israel protesters for years

University of Florida dean suspends anti-Israel protesters for years

Chris Summerlin, dean of students at the University of Florida in Gainesville, chose not to offer slap-on-the-wrist penalties to pro-Hamas protesters arrested on campus on April 29. Instead, Summerlin applied multiple-year suspensions of some students, the most severe penalty short of expulsion. The students in question will need to reapply should they wish to continue their education...

Avoid swimming at 2 public beach parks in Miami-Dade, officials warn

Avoid swimming at 2 public beach parks in Miami-Dade, officials warn

The Florida Department of Health warned Saturday that the bacterial levels in tested water samples showed swimming at two public beach parks in Miami-Dade County posed health risks. The public health agency warned against water-related activities at Haulover Beach Southalong Collins Avenue in Miami Beach,and Crandon Park North along Crandon Boulevard near Key Biscayne and Virginia Key....

University of Florida suspends arrested pro-Palestinian protesters for up to 4 years

University of Florida suspends arrested pro-Palestinian protesters for up to 4 years

In secretive hearings, the University of Florida set aside recommendations to lightly punish some of the college students arrested after pro-Palestinian protests on campus and instead kicked them all out of school for three to four years. The decisions by the new dean of students, Chris Summerlin, overruled what were effectively sentencing recommendations by the juries, known...