Captivating Hashem's Wonders. Taken April 19 at TY Park in Hollywood by Michoel Aryeh
Fri, March 28, 2025
Author: Michoel Aryeh
Michoel Aryeh
Wed, April 19, 2023Fri, August 30, 2024Wonders
Hashem’s Handywork Combining Water Colors and Acrylics
Hashem's Handywork Combining Water Colors and Acrylics. Taken April 19 at TY Park in Hollywood by Michoel Aryeh
Tue, March 7, 2023Fri, August 30, 2024Wonders
Shoe Shine Purim
Shoe Shine Purim taken March 7 using my Android culminating an awesome Seudat Purim @ Chabad Chayil in Highland Lakes. Photo taken by Michoel Aryeh.
Fri, February 24, 2023Fri, August 30, 2024Wonders
Starting to spread its wings
Starting to spread its wings. Photo taken by Michoel Aryeh.
Fri, February 24, 2023Fri, August 30, 2024Wonders
Mother Mourning Dove
Mother Mourning Dove with her 2 baby chick's literally outside our dining room window Nestled In a tree. May this usher in for All Klal Yisroel a Shabbat Shalom Filled with Love Light Peace and Simcha. By Michoel Aryeh.