President: Trump (10)
Senator: Rick Scott (20)
Congress: Frederica Wilson? (31)
Senator: Jason Pizzo (39)
Clerk of Circuit Court: Juan Fernandez-Barquin (70)
Sherif: Rosanna Cordero-Stutz (72)
Property Appraiser: Tomas Regalado? (74)
Tax Collector: Dariel Fernandez (76)
Supervisor of Election: Alina Garcia (78)
Justice of Supreme Court: Yes (80) Yes (82)
District Court of Apeal
Yes on all? (84, 86, 88)
County Judge: Alina Restrepo (91)
School Board: Martin Karp (95)
Amendment 1: No (251)
Amendment 2: No (253)
Amendment 3: No (255)
Amendment 4: No (257)
Amendment 5: Yes (258)
Amendment 6: Yes (260)
County Straw: Yes (262)
Based on the suggestions of Dr Alan Jacobs, Teach Florida, and what feels is good for the Jewish community and the entire USA.
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