Renowned Opera Singer and Master Chef Carlos De Antonis is set to return to the Friendship Circle Culinary Club Program on May 7, 2023 as the last guest chef for this season. He will be teaching and joining special needs friends and volunteers to make a classic, sumptuous appetizer: Bruschetta!Aside from being a chef, Chef Carlos is also a world class opera singer. He has done world tours for decades, performing in musicals like Dracula, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, and as a tenor for the Concert Forum Berlin. Chef Carlos opened the Friendship Circle Culinary Club Program as its first guest chef last October, where he made delectable Thanksgiving treats with everyone. He was also very generous to share his magical voice and sing for everyone, making it an afternoon full of culinary fun and wonderful music!
Friendship Circle is an organization that provides safe and non-judgmental social programming for children, teens and adults with special needs. The Culinary Club is the newest addition to its programming. This unique program gives children and young adults with special needs an opportunity to create beautiful dishes from all over the world together with talented celebrity chefs.
Sunday, May 7th, 2023, 4-5 p.m. Location: Friendship Circle of Greater Fort Lauderdale, 1302 Las Olas Blvd., Fort Lauderdale.
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