With the full respect each one of you deserves. We, the Chocron family from Caracas Venezuela, Moises and Felisa and their sons Isaac, Levy and Natalio, comes to you on this occasion looking for financial help to be able to pay and cover the expenses for the surgery that our dear father, Mr. Moises Chocron, must undergo.
Approximately six months ago, our father was diagnosed with “Severe Aortic Stenosis” in the heart, due to calcification of the aortic valve.
Thus, the doctors determined that a valve replacement must be performed through the procedure called TAVI.
Our father is 84 years old and his health condition, added to extreme fatigue and agitation and lack of air to breathe well, does not allow him to travel abroad, so the operation must be performed in Caracas, Venezuela.
The insurance company informed the suspenssion of the policies contracted with them through Venezuelan Israelite Association. They no longer provide any type of coverage in the Medical Centers and Hospitals in Caracas.
We dont have any other type of insurance policy.
The Expenses quoted arises approx. 87,000.00us$ that includes the appropriate valve with detailed specifications and the medical procedures related to the entire process meaning: pre-surgery exams, hospitalization, surgery and post-recovery.
This is why we resort to this medium and to your generosity and kindness to ensure that the heart of our father and husband works properly, allowing him to have a normal breathing and and a better and healthy life style.
We express our deepest gratitude to all of you with wishes that God reward you all, with long life, good health, abundance in material and spiritual well-being, with prayers for the prompt redemption, and Geula shelema.
Thank You!
Chocron´s Family
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